Simple Past


This is a short Mind Map about the Simple Past Tense.
Mind Map by KARENTH CUASCOTA, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by KARENTH CUASCOTA over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Simple Past
  1. Uses
    1. Past finished actions
      1. Past habits
      2. Verbs
        1. Regular


          • Add: ED
          1. cook
            1. work
              1. finish
              2. Irregular


                • Select from the Irregular verbs list
              3. Grammar structure
                1. Affirmative
                  1. S + Verb in Past + C
                    1. She cooked lassaña yesterday.
                      1. My friends went to Paris in 2010.
                    2. Negative
                      1. S+ did not + Verb in its base form + C
                        1. She did not cook lassaña yesterday.
                          1. My friends did not go to Paris in 2010
                        2. Questions
                          1. Did + S+ Verb in its base form + C +?
                            1. Did she cook lassaña yesterday?
                              1. Yes, She did.
                                1. No, She didn´t.
                                2. Did My friends go to Paris in 2010?
                                  1. Yes, They did.
                                    1. No, They didn't.
                              2. Time Expressions


                                • Time expressions help us to provide Specific Time.
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