This is my family


Arbol Geneologico
Tammy Tatiana Torres
Mind Map by Tammy Tatiana Torres, updated more than 1 year ago
Tammy Tatiana Torres
Created by Tammy Tatiana Torres about 4 years ago

Resource summary

This is my family


  • Arbol geneologico compuesto por mi familia.
  1. My family is made up of six people
    1. My Mother: My mother's name is omaira tordecilla, she is forty years old, she is short with curly black hair and big hips. She is dedicated to the needs of the house.
      1. Mi Father:My father is called Faider Torres, he is fifty-fourth years old, he lives with us at home, he is the best dad in the world, he is tall with dark eyes, his skin color is brown and he is a farmer.
        1. my older sister:My older sister is called Yuranis Torres, she is twenty-eight years old and she lives in Monteria with her husband and her son Edinson, she is small in height, her skin color is brown, straight black hair and she is a pharmacist.
          1. My Sister Tania:Olga is my sister who follows my older sister who is Yuranis, she is twenty-four years old, she lives in Cali with her husband, she works in a penitentiary, her hair color is clear, light eyes and small stature.
            1. Nephew: My nephew's name is Edinson, he is two years old, he lives in monteria with his mother, who is my sister Yuranis, he has straight hair and his skin color is light, he is a child with a lot of intelligence and is already in kindergarten.
              1. My siater Olga:Olga is my sister who follows my older sister who is Yuranis, she is twenty-four years old, she lives in Cali with her husband, she works in a penitentiary, her hair color is clear, light eyes and small stature.
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