English poems


nettles, manhuint, sistermaude, quikedraw and brothers
Mind Map by abbieatthehutch, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by abbieatthehutch over 9 years ago

Resource summary

English poems
  1. Nettles
    1. "My son aged three fell in the nettle bed"
      1. main event
        1. Everyday and real
          1. Goes through story in staright forward way
          2. "Spears, that regiment of spite"
            1. Personification of nettles
              1. Army attacked boy on perpose
            2. Quick draw
              1. "And this... and this... and this...."
                1. Repetition
                  1. Texted kisses are bullets from gun
                    1. Unclear ending, perhaps lover has one? ended relationship?
                    2. "Through the heart"
                      1. Enjambment-makes poem seem less stuctured perhaps more breathless
                        1. Adding suspence
                          1. Reflects the brocken nature of the relationship/heart
                        2. The manhunt
                          1. "Frozen river"
                            1. Metaphor- tear/scar
                            2. "only then would he let me"
                              1. Repetition- sujests small steps in a small painstaking prosses
                                1. Slowley over coming resistance
                                2. "i come close"
                                  1. Had to wait until now to get close
                                    1. She has only "got close"/ unseccessful.
                                    2. "Closed...close"
                                      1. Half ryme
                                        1. muted ending- dull impact
                                      2. Brothers
                                        1. "Saddled"
                                          1. First word empasises his frustation.
                                            1. Stuck with him, no choise
                                            2. "ridiculous, tank top
                                              1. Embarressed by his brother.
                                                1. Mocks his immaturity
                                                  1. Brothers a burdend
                                                    1. Shows big brothers immaturity- Insignificant for adults
                                                  2. Sister maude
                                                    1. "Maude"
                                                      1. Repetition
                                                        1. Culpret- blame/ betrayal
                                                        2. "My father of my dear?"
                                                          1. Rhetorical question- intimedating
                                                            1. sarcastic, already knows. spiteful
                                                            2. "Comeliest corpes"
                                                              1. Oxymoron
                                                                1. Still love him even in dead
                                                                  1. Comitment
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