Threats to Mangroves


Mind Map on Threats to Mangroves, created by j.ricemellor on 07/10/2013.
Mind Map by j.ricemellor, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by j.ricemellor about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Threats to Mangroves
  1. Housing pressure
    1. Florida has lost 85,000 acres of wetlands to developement
      1. Sewage is not properly treated
        1. Mangrove trimming is legal on private land
          1. This then kills the mangroves
        2. Shrimp Fishing
          1. Witnessing a rise by 20%
            1. This has lead to a deforistation on mangroves to allow for artifictal ponds
              1. 50% of mangroves have been destroyed for this pupose
          2. Tourism
            1. Golf cources
              1. Huge fertaliser runoff into mangrove lagoons
              2. 370,000 hotel rooms in florida
                1. Need lots of water
                  1. This lowers ground water levels making it hard for mangroves to survive
                2. 6,000,000 campers camp in Florida a year
                  1. They leave waste and pollution behind harming mangroves
                3. Anti-mosquito Policies
                  1. Huge dikes were build to combat the mosquitoes
                    1. This causes the degradation of water quality
                      1. Caused prolonged flooding which mangroves could not withstand
                        1. High salinity in water make it hard for mangroves to live
                          1. The interruption of the free flow of nutrientsdamaged thefragile ecosystems
                        2. Population Growth
                          1. Population has octupled
                            1. From 2 million to 16 million
                            2. Estimated to reach 26 million by 2030
                              1. It has become the third highest populated state
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