English- OF MICE AND MEN- Crooks


How you could plan your answer
Kyle Joseph2832
Mind Map by Kyle Joseph2832, updated more than 1 year ago
Kyle Joseph2832
Created by Kyle Joseph2832 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

English- OF MICE AND MEN- Crooks
  1. Black people had few oppotunities
    1. He's trapped on the ranch
      1. He gives up on the dream farm
      2. Racial segregation in the 1930s America
        1. Not allowed in bunk house with other men
          1. Privacy one of the only rights he has
            1. Racism makes him "aloof"
              1. Tries to hide his loneliness
              2. Candy thnks he's a "nice fella", but he's never been in Crooks Room
                1. Only Slim has
                  1. Loneliness
                    1. Reads books because he is lonly
            2. Most people had a stereotypical view of black men in the 1930s
              1. Crooks in a full character, not a stereotype
                1. Educated and a big reader
                  1. Has a past on his fathers chicken ranch
                    1. Steinbeck makes the reader sympathetic to Crooks
                      1. Steinbeck is saying black people are just as intelligent as white people
              2. Black people experienced a lot of prejudice
                1. Boss gives him "hell"
                  1. Forced to fight with another worker
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