Cheryl Cooks


Dr. James
Mind Map by Dr. James, updated more than 1 year ago
Dr. James
Created by Dr. James over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Cheryl Cooks
  1. Anointing
    1. Leadership
      1. Authority mantle
        1. to speak into people lives
          1. known tribulation
            1. pushed aside
              1. overlooked
                1. God said I never saw it that way
                  1. To bring you to a place of Authority
                    1. bring you to a place to use wisdom
                      1. How to speak
                        1. how to say things to people
                          1. new place of authory
                            1. His hand upon you
                              1. those in your family that rebelled brought back
                                1. Your seed seeing the glory of God
                                  1. NEW BLESSING coming into your family
                                    1. you will see the Hand of the Lord bless your family
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