Become Mobile Friendly


mind map
Juan Camilo Núñe
Mind Map by Juan Camilo Núñe, updated more than 1 year ago
Juan Camilo Núñe
Created by Juan Camilo Núñe almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Become Mobile Friendly
  1. to connect with our ideal audience
    1. people is very connected to their mobile phone
      1. 3 steps
        1. 1. Create a mobile-friendly website
          1. your website is your home base
            1. Everything you do should be driving your audience back to your site
              1. If your site is not mobile - frendly
                1. Use a free mobile wordpress plugin
                  1. Create a separate mobile site
                    1. Find a developer that can make your current site responsive
                  2. 2. Send mobile-friendly email
                    1. more valuable number.
                      1. focus your efforts on mobilizing your email as best you can
                      2. 3. Send traffic to mobile-optimized landing pages
                        1. do your best to convince the reader to take the action you want
                          1. if they are coming from their phone, you have less of their attention and less time
                            1. Much of our business relies on landing pages
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