Asset creation


Entire Pipeline Production for the asset workflow for the mesh in the project.
Ashley James Wro
Mind Map by Ashley James Wro, updated more than 1 year ago
Ashley James Wro
Created by Ashley James Wro almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Asset creation
  1. 3D Modeling
    1. 3DS Max
      1. Blockout
        1. High Poly
          1. Low Poly
            1. UV Mapping
              1. baking
    2. Textureing
      1. Substance indy Pack
        1. Substance painter
          1. Substance designer
            1. Node Based Workflow working between both painter and Designer
              1. Creation of map types (preferably PBR Textures)
                1. exporting all the maps required
                  1. works as a material rather than a texture and can work on all textures at the same time.
              2. Importing UV Maps
              3. Import into Marmoset Toolbag 2
                1. Import materials
                  1. Render using post processing effects built into Marmoset toolbag 2
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