'Hide and Seek' by Vernon Scannell


Mind Map on 'Hide and Seek' by Vernon Scannell, created by amina2000 on 04/05/2015.
Mind Map by amina2000, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by amina2000 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

'Hide and Seek' by Vernon Scannell
  1. themes
    1. childhood
      1. the game 'hide and seek' is a children's game
      2. loneliness
        1. the fact that the child's friends have all grown tired of waiting for his and that they have grown up has left the child alone
        2. reminiscence
          1. growing up
            1. the poem is about the child not growing up and missing out on opportunities
          2. form and structure
            1. one verse (free verse, one long stanza)
              1. direct speech
                1. 'i am ready come and find me'
                  1. boy is directly speaking, reaches out to the reader allowing us to empathise with his problem. perhaps reflect on our own childhood difficulties.
                2. boy his self is the narrator
                  1. if you hide from life it won't come and find you, you need to go out a grab the chances you are given
                3. language
                  1. extended metaphore (friendship, loyalty, growing up)
                    1. friends grow apart. childhood is coming to an end. represents life and importence of grabbing chances life presents to you
                    2. 'but where are those who sought you?'
                      1. his friends have grown up and left him while he was not willing to grow up and takes chances
                      2. 'don't breathe. don't move. stay dumb
                        1. advise on how to stay hidden (how to not grow up, stay a child)
                          1. language (continued)
                            1. sibilance ('s' sounds)
                              1. 'sacks, seaside, salty, shout. repeated 's' sounds create a sound/image in the readers head (calm & tranquil) reminder of childhood innocence.
                              2. verbs 'prowling'
                                1. makes the children sound like they are hunting animals, predators looking for pray. builds tension within the poem as we don't know whether they will find him or not
                          2. personification 'the cold bites through your coat'
                            1. discomfort and fear of the narrator. builds further tension, forced to stay there. mirrors discomfort of the child who does not want to grow up.
                          3. assonance
                            1. repitition of vowel sounds
                              1. stumbles, mutters, scuffering. link together the noises and actions the others make. emphasises his anxiety as he listens
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