

GCSE AQA ISA Controlled Assessment: Emulsions Assessment Have a nice day : )
Mind Map by Anjana, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Anjana almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Research
    1. Source 1
      1. Specific Volumes
        1. Clear Instructions
          1. Precise measurements
          2. Source 2
            1. No dependant variable
              1. No structured instructions
                1. Not precise
              2. Other methods
                1. Using egg yolk
                  1. Really sticky and is time consuming ( when it comes to beakers at least)
                2. Variables
                  1. Independent Variable
                    1. Amount of emulsifier
                      1. Range: 0-5ml
                        1. Interval: 1ml
                      2. Dependant
                        1. Time taken to separate
                        2. Controlled Variables
                          1. Oil (10ml)
                            1. Water (10ml)
                              1. Shakes
                                1. Food colouring ( 2 drops)
                                  1. Room Temperature
                                2. Preliminary Testing
                                  1. Volume of water and oil
                                    1. 10-20 ml
                                      1. Reasons to choose range: To see how long it takes
                                        1. Final Value: 10 ml
                                          1. Reasons for choice: Short enough to wait without wasting time. Long enough to record for more than one second
                                        2. Hypothesis
                                          1. The time taken for a mixture of oil, water and emulsifier to separate depends on the volume of emulsifier in the mixture
                                            1. The bigger the volume, the shorter the time it takes for the oil and the water to separate
                                          2. Risk Assessment
                                            1. Apparatus could break due to rough handling or it falling on the floor
                                              1. They could cause injuries and are expensive to replace
                                                1. Be gentle with them and don't put them at the edge of the table
                                              2. Ill-fitting bungs could cause the testube to shatter
                                                1. Glass could cut skin and cause serious injuries
                                                  1. Choose the correct size bung
                                                2. Lecithin could be accidently ingested
                                                  1. It could make the person very ill
                                                    1. Keep hands away from mouth and wash hands after use
                                                  2. All the substances are slippery
                                                    1. Somebody could slip and hurt themselves
                                                      1. Ensure the lids are secured on the bottles and clean u spillages immediately
                                                  3. Equipment
                                                    1. 10 ml of oil
                                                      1. Stopwatch
                                                        1. Thermometer
                                                          1. 10ml of water
                                                            1. 5 bungs
                                                              1. 4 testubes
                                                                1. marker ( to mark out 1 cm line on each of the testubes
                                                                2. testube rack
                                                                  1. Food Colouring
                                                                    1. 4 pipettes
                                                                      1. medium strength lecithin
                                                                      2. Fair Testing (Validity)
                                                                        1. Shakes
                                                                          1. Count and have another person keep track
                                                                          2. Temperature
                                                                            1. Use a thermometer to test the substances to make sure they are within average room temperature
                                                                            2. Oil+ Water+ Food Colouring
                                                                              1. Use a pipette graduated in ml to ensure the correct amount goes in
                                                                                1. Use the 1cm line to know precisely when to stop the stopwatch to acquire the dependant variable
                                                                              2. Random questions answered
                                                                                1. DV will be measured using a stopwatch to a resolution of 0.001 of a second
                                                                                  1. 3 repeats. Enough to eliminate anomalies but not as much to make too many anomalies
                                                                                    1. The testubes will be used to contain all the liquids . The pipettes will be used as a measuring device. The stopwatch is to measure the dependant variable
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