Historical Materalism


Degree Sociology Mind Map on Historical Materalism, created by CazE on 10/10/2013.
Mind Map by CazE, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by CazE almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Historical Materalism
  1. Intellectual Basis Of Marism
    1. Key Idea - Technological advances in the modes of production lead to changes in the social relations of production
      1. A methodological approach to the study of society, economics & history.
        1. Analysis of the causes of developments and changes in human society by how humans collectively produce the necessities of life.
        2. Assumption: In order for human beings to survive and continue existence, it is necessary for them to produce and reproduce the material requirements of life
          1. To occur people must enter into social relations (production relations)
            1. Division of labour
              1. Owners of capital.
                1. Determines type of society
                  1. Society has moved through different modes of production.
                    1. Character of the production relations is determined by the character of the productive forces
                      1. From Primitive communism to capitalism.
                        1. Production relations are the economic base.
                          1. Superstructure forms. The political/ideological superstructure of society
                            1. How people organise society is determined by the economic base and the relations that arise from its mode of production.
              2. How society is organised. Base & Superstructure
                1. Key Idea - The economic base supports the ideological superstructure
                  1. Super Structure: culture, religion, politics and all other aspects of humanity's social consciousness
                    1. Changes in in economic, technological, material factors, clashes of material interests are examined for cause.
                    2. CRITIQUE - oversimplification of the nature of society
                      1. Influence of ideas & culture are just as important as the economic base. Marx's Superstructure.
                        1. If the superstructure has no influence why does Marx expose it at length?
                          1. Engels said Marx never pertained this. The production and reproduction of real life is the determinant of history not purely an economic determinism.
                          2. If superstructure influences the base it can't be argued that the history of society is based on class conflict.
                            1. Chicken & egg arguement
                              1. Singer - Marx saw the economic base as real.
                                1. Humanity's defining characteristic are its means of production and thus the only way for man to free himself from oppression is for him to take control of the means of production.
                                  1. Goal of history.
                                    1. Superstructure acts as tools of history
                                  2. Popper - The concept of Marx's historical method & its application are unfalsifiable.
                                    1. Earlier work was proven falsifiable when the predictions did not occur.
                                      1. Reinterpreted the theory & evidence by later Marxists.
                                        1. Destroys scientific claim.
                        2. Society has moved through different modes of production.
                          1. Assumptions
                            1. The basis of human society is how humans work on nature to produce the means of subsistence.
                              1. There is a division of labour into social classes (relations of production) based on property ownership where some people live from the labour of others.
                                1. The system of class division is dependent on the mode of production
                                  1. The mode of production is based on the level of the productive forces
                                    1. Society moves from stage to stage when the dominant class is displaced by a new emerging class
                                      1. Takes place in the superstructure of society. Revolution.
                                    2. Materialist Conception of History
                                      1. History is made as a result of struggle between different social classes rooted in the underlying economic base.
                                        1. Historical determinism - events are predestined
                                        2. Marx was only roposing a guideline to historical research
                                          1. Not a grand philosophy of history
                                        3. Importance.
                                          1. Revolution in human thought, and a break from previous ways of understanding the underlying basis of change within various human societies
                                            1. CRITIQUE: human history is simply a series of accidents. (Weber)
                                          2. Influences
                                            1. Doctoral research on the philosophy of Epicurus
                                              1. Adam Smith
                                                1. Popular philosophy of his time that development of human society has moved through a series of stages
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