Acids, Bases & Salts


GCSE Science Mind Map on Acids, Bases & Salts, created by Dan Matchett on 09/05/2015.
Dan Matchett
Mind Map by Dan Matchett, updated more than 1 year ago
Dan Matchett
Created by Dan Matchett almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Acids, Bases & Salts
  1. Acids
      1. HCl & HNO3
        1. Monobasic: Produce 1 Hydrogen ion
          1. Mineral Acids/Strong Acid
            1. HNO3: Used in fertilisers and explosives
            2. H2SO4
              1. Dibasic: Produce 2 Hydrogen ions
                  1. Used in Car Batteries, detergents, fibres and pigments
                1. Properties
                  1. Conducts Electricity
                    1. pH= < 7
                      1. Corrosive
                        1. Neutralises Bases and Alkalis
                          1. Weak Acids taste Sour
                        2. Alkalis & Bases
                          1. Alkali: Soluble Base
                            1. Strong Alkali: Completely Ionised
                              1. NaOH
                                1. Used in soap and oven cleaner
                                2. KOH
                                  1. pH = 11-14
                                  2. Weak Alkali: Partially Ionised
                                    1. NH3
                                      1. pH = 8-11
                                        1. Used in fertilisers nitric acid and nylon
                                      2. Properties
                                        1. Conducts Electricity
                                          1. pH = > 7
                                            1. Corrosive Liquids
                                              1. Neutralise Acids
                                                1. Weak Alkalis feel soapy
                                              2. Base: Substance that reacts to form Salt and Water only
                                              3. Indicators
                                                1. Litmus Paper
                                                  1. Red
                                                    1. In Acid: Red
                                                      1. In neutral: Red
                                                        1. In acid: Blue
                                                        2. Blue
                                                          1. In Acid: Red
                                                            1. In neutral: Blue
                                                              1. In Alkali: Blue
                                                            2. Phenolphthalein
                                                              1. In Acid: Colourless
                                                                1. In Alkalis: Pink
                                                                2. Methyl Orange
                                                                  1. In Acid: Red
                                                                    1. In Alkali: Yellow
                                                                    2. Universal Indicator
                                                                      1. Strong Acid/Dilute Hydrochloric Acid: 0-2
                                                                        1. Weak Acid/Ethanoic Acid: 3-4
                                                                          1. Weak Acid/Rain Water: 5-6
                                                                            1. Neutral/Water or Sodium Chloride: 7
                                                                              1. Weak Alkali: 8-9
                                                                                1. Weak Alkali/Ammonia: 10-11
                                                                                  1. Strong Alkali/Sodium Carbonate or Sodium Hydroxide: 12-14
                                                                                2. Neutralisation
                                                                                  1. H+ + OH- = H20
                                                                                    1. Occurs when H+ ions react with OH- ions to form water
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