
akiles ramon
Mind Map by akiles ramon, updated more than 1 year ago
akiles ramon
Created by akiles ramon over 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Intelligence
    1. Known as The G factor
      1. Present in all learners
        1. Learning a SL is not the same in FL
          1. Measured by IQ
            1. Linguistic ability
              1. Logico-mathematic ability
              2. Gardner (1985)
                1. Multiple Inteligence
                2. Genesee 1976; & Ekstrand 1977
                  1. skills on SLA
                    1. formal study
                      1. reading
                        1. writing
                          1. language analysis
                            1. vocabulary study
                      2. Language Aptitude
                        1. Natural ability
                          1. varying degrees
                            1. Skehan (1989)
                              1. Aptitude as successfull predictor of language learning
                              2. Henmon 1929 & Symons 1930
                                1. Search of components
                                  1. Test batteries
                                    1. No correlaions
                                      1. language aptitud
                                        1. learner´s language proficiency
                                      2. Carol & Sapon's MLAT
                                        1. new test
                                          1. Phonemic or phonetic coding ability
                                            1. Grammatical sensiivy
                                              1. Inductive language learning
                                                1. Rote learning ability
                                              2. Pimsleur (1966)
                                                1. analytic ability
                                                  1. auditory ability
                                                  2. Contrasting view
                                                    1. Aptitud Not Trainable
                                                      1. Learner´s Aptitud trainable
                                                    2. Cognitive style
                                                      1. learner manner
                                                        1. perceives
                                                          1. monitors
                                                            1. conceptualises
                                                              1. recalls linguistic information
                                                                1. difference between
                                                                  1. learning style
                                                                    1. more comprehensive
                                                                      1. cognitive/affective/psychological behaviour
                                                                      2. cognitive style
                                                                        1. reflective -impulsive thinking
                                                                          1. broad-narrow caegorizing
                                                                            1. skeletonizing-embroidering
                                                                              1. belief congrunce-contradiction
                                                                          2. interference-prone
                                                                            1. Native language v.s SL
                                                                            2. two notions
                                                                              1. Field independence (naturalistic)
                                                                                1. Impersonal Orienaion
                                                                                  1. Analytic
                                                                                    1. Independent
                                                                                      1. Not so socially aware
                                                                                      2. Field dependence (formal)
                                                                                        1. Personal orientation
                                                                                          1. Holistic
                                                                                            1. Dependent
                                                                                              1. Socially sensitive
                                                                                            2. Reid's Learning tendencies
                                                                                              1. Visual learning
                                                                                                1. Auditory learning
                                                                                                  1. Kinaesthetic learning
                                                                                                    1. Tactile learning
                                                                                                    2. Willing's Learning styles
                                                                                                      1. Concrete learning style
                                                                                                        1. Analytic learning style
                                                                                                          1. Communicative learning style
                                                                                                            1. Authority learning style
                                                                                                          2. Learning strategies
                                                                                                            1. Cognitive strategies
                                                                                                                  1. Memory strategies
                                                                                                                      1. Compensation strategies
                                                                                                                          1. Circumlocution
                                                                                                                          2. Metacognitive strategies
                                                                                                                            1. planning
                                                                                                                              1. evaluate
                                                                                                                              2. Social strategies
                                                                                                                                  1. Affective strategies
                                                                                                                                      1. Aquiles Ramón Correa
                                                                                                                                        1. IEXPRO University (2020). Psycholinguistics II: Learning Individual Factors. Class Anthology.
                                                                                                                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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