Force Mind Map


Force Mind Map
Mind Map by valerieuyxo, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by valerieuyxo over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Force Mind Map
  1. What is force?
    1. An object that is being pushed or pulled into motion
      1. Force is decribes by the strength of force and direction of motion
        1. Newton (unit) measures the strength of force.
          1. Netforce - Combination of newtons
            1. Calculated in two ways.
              1. Add two positive numbers if force comes from one direction.
                1. Add one positive and negative if force comes from different sides.
            2. Two types of forces
              1. Unbalanced Forces
                1. One force is greater than the other, causing motion, stop of motion, or change in direction.
                2. Balanced Forces
                  1. Equal amount of force being released from both directions = no movement in object.
            3. Gravity
              1. A force that pulls objects together.
                1. Universal Gravitation
                  1. Sir Isaac Newton states that the force of gravity occurs between all objects in the universe.
                    1. Any two objects attract each other.
                  2. Factors Affecting Gravity
                    1. Distance
                      1. More the distance between two objects = less gravitational pull.
                      2. Mass
                        1. Amount of matter in an object.
                          1. More mass = greater gravitational pull.
                      3. Weight and Mass
                        1. Weight is the amount of force of gravity on a person/object on a surface of planet.
                      4. Free Fall
                        1. Force of gravity is unbalanced.
                          1. Acceleration speed on Earth: 9.8 m/s^2 (the amount velocity increases every second an object falls).
                            1. Air Resistance
                              1. Objects falling in air experience it. Air resistance heads upwards.
                                1. Terminal velocity
                                  1. Reached when force of air resistance is = to the weight of the object.
                                    1. Forces are balanced = no acceleration
                                    2. Velocity increases with air resistance.
                                    3. Objects with greater surface area = more air resistance.
                              2. Projectile Motion
                                1. Object that is thrown.
                                  1. Object will fall back to the ground due to gravitational push.
                              3. Friction
                                1. Force that is being released by two surfaces when rubbing on one another.
                                  1. Force of friction depends on two factors: pressure surfaces push together + type of surface
                                    1. Static Friction
                                      1. Friction on objects that aren't moving
                                      2. Rolling Friction
                                        1. Object rolls on a surface.
                                        2. Fluid Friction
                                          1. When solid objects move through fluids.
                                          2. Sliding Friction
                                            1. When two surfaces slide over each other.
                                        3. The Laws of Motion
                                          1. The Third Law of Motion
                                            1. It states that every action an object makes will have the same equal, but opposite reaction.
                                              1. Momentum
                                                1. A characteristic of the moving object relating to its mass and the velocity (speed and direction) of the object.
                                                  1. Conservation of Momentum
                                                    1. Conservation refers to the before and after effects after a certain event.
                                                      1. States that without the presence of external force, there is no change in the total momentum of an object before and after collision.
                                                        1. Momentum of a group of objects will remain the same without the exertion of external force.
                                              2. The Second Law of Motion
                                                1. The acceleration of an object depends on the mass of an object and the amount of force applied.
                                                  1. Acceleration is determined by the mass of the object and the net force.
                                                    1. Acceleration = Net force/Mass
                                                2. The First Law of Motion
                                                  1. Object at rest will remain at rest without external force act upon it. Or will remain in constant velocity unless external force is applied.
                                                    1. Law of Inertia
                                                      1. Inertia is a tendency, behavior of an object to remain at rest if no external force is applied.
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