motivational techniques


Mind Map by aq131142, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by aq131142 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

motivational techniques
  1. employee motivation
    1. financial reward
      1. reputation
        1. personal satisfaction
          1. team work
            1. sense of empowerment
              1. goals/targets to work
                1. working for promotion
                  1. job enlargment
                    1. staff bonding
                      1. staff developement
                        1. work experience
    2. what will harm staff motivation
      1. poor communications
        1. unrealistic goals
          1. lack of rewards
        2. overpowering
          1. poor managment skills
            1. job pressure and stress
          2. staff conflict
            1. staff jealousy
              1. job competition
          3. motivational techniques
            1. management styles
              1. financial rewards
                1. unfincial rewards
                2. job enlargment
                  1. job rotation
                    1. quality circles
                      1. empowerment
                        1. goal setting
                        2. intrinsic motivation
                          1. doing something for personal satisfaction
                          2. extrinsic motivation
                            1. doing something for a reward
                            2. management syles
                              1. autocratic
                                1. manager makes all decisions, dont involve employees
                                2. democratic
                                  1. manager involves the opinions of employees
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