Double Pit Ventilated Toilet System


life cycle analysis
Mind Map by caitlan.strachan, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by caitlan.strachan almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Double Pit Ventilated Toilet System
  1. Wood
    1. Transported - Site
      1. Refinery - cutting
        1. Transported - Refinery
          1. Tree lobbing
            1. Trees
              1. Labour
                1. Food
                  1. Tools
          2. Fuel - buring
            1. CO2
              1. Heat - Cooking
              2. Re-use - Sleepers in garden
              3. Woven frond
                1. Labour - weaving
                  1. Food
                    1. Transport - SIte
                      1. Dried
                        1. Sun
                          1. Frond slashing
                            1. Trees
                              1. Labour
                                1. Food
                                  1. Tools
                        2. Pit
                          1. Labour - digging
                            1. Food
                              1. Tools
                            2. Mudbricks
                              1. Dried
                                1. Sun
                                  1. Processed - molded
                                    1. Labour- Excavated soil
                                      1. Water
                                        1. Transported- pumped/ filtered
                                          1. Rain
                                            1. Electricity
                                              1. Power plant
                                                1. Natural resources
                                      2. Return to soil
                                      3. Ventilation
                                        1. PVC piping
                                          1. Waste
                                            1. Transported - Factory
                                              1. Re- processed - plastic pellets
                                            2. Re-use
                                              1. Transported - Site
                                                1. Transported - Business
                                                  1. Processed- Piping
                                                    1. Transported- Factory
                                                      1. Processed - Plastic pellets
                                                        1. Transported- Factory
                                                          1. Extraction - Oil
                                                          2. Electricity
                                                        2. Electricity
                                                          1. Power plant
                                                            1. Natural resources
                                                  2. Meshing
                                                    1. Old Clothes
                                                      1. Duct tape
                                                        1. Transported - Bambui
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