Mount Everest


Interesting Mount Everest Facts
Leo Pazmiño
Mind Map by Leo Pazmiño, updated more than 1 year ago
Leo Pazmiño
Created by Leo Pazmiño almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Mount Everest
  1. Elevation
    1. The elevation of this snow-capped mountain is one of the largest in the world, having a very large change in latitude
    2. Country
      1. China Nepal is the city where this snowy mountain is located
      2. Topinomy
        1. The toponymy or onomastics of geographic is a discipline of the onomastics that consists of the etymological study of the proper names of a place.
        2. Flora and fauna
          1. The flora groups everything that comprises the plant kingdom, while the fauna refers to everything that involves the animal kingdom.
          2. Route
            1. Mount Everest has two main routes of ascent: the route by the southwest face or via of the col Sur, from Nepal, and the route by northeast or via of the col Norte, from Tibet, as well as other thirteen less frequented routes.
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