
This Minmap is a summary of all the strutures we have to chec out bout GOING TO to make future pans in English.
Jonnathan Lucero Vargas
Mind Map by Jonnathan Lucero Vargas, updated more than 1 year ago
Jonnathan Lucero Vargas
Created by Jonnathan Lucero Vargas about 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. To make Future Plans
      1. S + TO BE NOT + GPONG TO + VERB + COMPL
        1. You are not going to talk about your family next weekend
          1. Camila isn´t going to eat pizza this weekend
            1. She is not going to play with your son this Saturday
              1. The beautiful girls aren´t going to cook next Friday
                1. Carlos and I aren´t going to visit our grandparents next weekend
              2. TO MAKE FUTURE PLANS
                1. TIME EXPRESSIONS
                  1. TOMORROW
                    1. THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW
                      1. NEXT
                        1. THIS
                      2. AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES
                        1. S + TO BE + GOING TO + VERB + COMPL
                          1. I am going to play with my mother tomorrow
                            1. They are going to talk about their family four days later
                              1. She´s going to read a comedy book next weeked
                                1. Carlos is going to go to the party the day after tomorrow
                                  1. WH QUESTIONS
                                    1. WH + TOBE + S + GOING TO + VERB + COMPL?
                                      1. Where Julia and Carlos going to go to this week?
                                        1. They are going to go to the cinema this week
                                        2. What is Mary going to do tomorrow?
                                          1. She is going to do her homework tomorrow
                                          2. Why are you going to talk with me next Saturday?
                                            1. Because I need you
                                            2. How are you going to go to my house this Friday?
                                              1. I am going to go to your house in a station wagon this Friday
                                      2. YES / NO QUESTIONS
                                        1. TO BE + S + GOING TO + VERB + COMPL?
                                          1. Are you going to buy the pack tomorrow?
                                            1. Yes I am / No, I´m not
                                            2. Is she going to feed her pet this Wednesday?
                                              1. Yes, she is / No, she isn´t
                                              2. Are you going to bring me chocolate tomorrow?
                                                1. Yes, we are / No, we aren´t
                                                2. Are they going to listen to music this afternoon?
                                                  1. Yes, they are / No, they aren´´t
                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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