
Learn about the neuroplasticity
Edwin Gomez
Mind Map by Edwin Gomez, updated more than 1 year ago
Edwin Gomez
Created by Edwin Gomez about 4 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Breaking down
    1. Neuro
      1. It is a nervous system which consits of the brain spinal cord and nerves that send and receive information.
      2. plasticity
        1. It means Plastos, it means that Plastos comes from the Greek word plastos's meaning moldable
      3. Concept
        1. It means modable brain orginally introduced by Ernesto Lugaro in 1906.
        2. Neuroplasticity and SLA
          1. SLA can contribute to the plasticity of the brain
            1. it refers to the same structural and functional changes in the brain
            2. Examples
              1. adapt to SLA
                1. changing structural mode to learn it
                  1. practice and practice
                    1. stimulus to learn it
                      1. memorizing
                        1. training
                      2. Neuroplasticity etymology
                        1. also known as neural plasticity, or brain plasticity
                          1. The term "plasticity" was first applied to behavior in 1890 by:
                          2. first person to use the term neural plasticity Jerzy Konorski
                          3. Neuroplasticity stands for
                            1. brain's ability to change and adapt
                              1. Structural plasticity
                                1. experiences and memories
                                2. functional plasticity
                                  1. functions in damaged and undamaged areas
                              2. It heps:
                                1. to adapt
                                  1. to learn
                                    1. recover
                                    2. Ivan Pavlov
                                      1. He was able to essentially rewire the brains of his dogs
                                        1. to salivate ringing the bell for food.
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