Roman Invasion of England


Mind Map on Roman Invasion of England, created by 17ewalford on 29/05/2015.
Mind Map by 17ewalford, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 17ewalford almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Roman Invasion of England
  1. AD 43
    1. Emperor Claudius
      1. General Aulus Platuius, in charge
      2. 40,000 men in total
        1. 600 Auxiliaries
          1. 6 Legions - 5,000 men to each
          2. Landed Richborough, Kent
            1. 9th Legion marched through TRIVANTES and ICENI
              1. Establish base in York
              2. 14th & 20th Legions drove through Midlands, England, towards Wales
                1. Seizing lands of DOBUNNI
                2. 2nd stormed Maiden Castle
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