Advantages and Disadvantages Input Devices (1)


Mind Map on Advantages and Disadvantages Input Devices (1), created by abidee123 on 17/10/2013.
Mind Map by abidee123, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by abidee123 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Advantages and Disadvantages Input Devices (1)
  1. Disadvantages
    1. Barcode Reader
      1. data on barcode can not be edited
      2. Digital Camera
        1. Image files can be memory heavy
          1. Quality of output will depend on quality of printer and paper
          2. Keyboard
            1. Data entry is time consuming and dependent on typing skills
              1. They can contribute to repetitive strain injury if overused
              2. Magnetic Ink Character Reader
                1. Its use is in decline
                2. Smart Cards
                  1. Can be stolen
                  2. Pointing Device
                    1. Experts tend to use keyboard short cuts
                      1. Hand-eye coordination is an issue for some users
                      2. Optical Character Reader
                        1. Can misread letters so has to be proof-read afterwards
                          1. Not good at capturing hand-written text. Also document must not contain any marks or smudges that could be interpreted as characters
                          2. Optical Mark Reader
                            1. The input forms necessarily limit the range of permissible responses
                              1. Incorrect marking of the sheet will lead to the data being rejected
                              2. Sensors
                                1. They are limited in the type of data they can collect
                                  1. They can misread the environment
                                  2. Touch Screens
                                    1. They are limited as input devices because only a limited number of values can be displayed at once
                                    2. Speech Input
                                      1. Interpreting human language us a complex process because meaning can be ambiguous
                                        1. The human voice is not uniform, we all have different accents which the software has to adapt to
                                      2. Advantages
                                        1. Barcode Reader
                                          1. Fast input method
                                            1. Accurate
                                            2. Digital Camera
                                              1. The image can be used flexibly in a wide range of applications
                                                1. Can be modified using special software
                                                  1. Can be attached as a file in email
                                                  2. Keyboard
                                                    1. Most common method of inputting text based data
                                                    2. Magnetic Ink Character Reader
                                                      1. quick and efficient
                                                        1. humans can make sense of data as well as machines
                                                          1. resistant to forgery
                                                          2. Smart Card
                                                            1. increasingly used for transactions
                                                              1. contain more data and are robust and more secure
                                                              2. Pointing Devices
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