
Juan Rodriguez
Mind Map by Juan Rodriguez, updated more than 1 year ago
Juan Rodriguez
Created by Juan Rodriguez about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. LEECH
    1. What does X mean?
      1. What do you mean by X?
      2. Levinson
        1. Study of utterance meaning
        2. Not what literally means but how intentions are revealed
          1. 1 Appropriateness
            1. Relation bt who uses lang and to whom is directed. Adecuacy of utterances to the context in which they occur
            2. 2 Non-literal (indirect) meaning
              1. The meaning intended by S, which may coincide or not with literal meaning
              2. 3 Inference
                1. Mental cognitive mechanism, allows us to draw conclusions about what S intends to convey, from literal to non-literal
                2. 4 Indeterminacy
                  1. Utt can be obscure, ambiguous. Inferences must be drawn to determine which meaning we think S intends: I've finished a book
                  2. 5 Context
                    1. Crucial for determining Meaning. Same utt by diff person in diff situation changes meaning completely: I love people with good manners
                    2. 6 Relevance
                      1. Important principle accounting for how we understand lang, taking every utt as relevant so we understand them in whatever way will make them as relevant as possible: sit down with care
                      2. 7 Accomodation
                        1. Background knowledge that we accept as known by S and H, necessary to determine what people mean by what they say, to make sense of the conversation
                        2. 8 Reflexivity
                          1. Comments we provide to show how an utt fits into a conversation as a whole/how we want the message to be taken: Indeed, in fact.
                          2. 9 Misfires
                            1. Utt not having the expected pragmatic effect, showing how we don't achieve the norm expected for the talk: Stolen gun found by the victim.
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