Why Great Britain Started the Industrial Revolution


For yall to have
Caitlyn Chan
Mind Map by Caitlyn Chan, updated more than 1 year ago
Caitlyn Chan
Created by Caitlyn Chan almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Why Great Britain Started the Industrial Revolution
  1. Natural Resources
    1. Coal, Iron, Core, etc.
    2. Labour
      1. Enclosure Movement
        1. Population Growth
          1. Better transportation
          2. Capital (Money)
            1. IR grew on itself
              1. Money made early
              2. Markets
                1. Wars opened up France
                  1. Wars opened up Central and South America
                    1. USA and Canada demanded British products
                      1. Through India, Southern Asia
                      2. Transportation
                        1. Canals
                          1. Railways
                          2. Entrepreneurship
                            1. Middle CLass
                              1. Liberal Nobles
                              2. Government Support
                                1. Strong Navy
                                  1. Parliament
                                    1. Few laws
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