Life cycle of ... giraffes


Life cycle
Camila Romero Duarte
Mind Map by Camila Romero Duarte, updated more than 1 year ago
Camila Romero Duarte
Created by Camila Romero Duarte over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Life cycle of ... giraffes
  1. Then a giraffe get pregnant for 15 months
    1. when the giraffe has the baby gives a birth after beings pregnant
      1. The calf depends on it`s mother for protection and food . It drinks her milk for about 9 an 11 months
        1. When the mother giraffe is away eating , her baby is take into a nursey group for protection
          1. Her is a link that how the giraffe walks
    2. at the time the giraffe female becomes pregnant
      1. When a female giraffe meets a male giraffe they become boyfriends
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