Life Cicle Of The Butterflies


Life Cicle
Isabella  García Olivares
Mind Map by Isabella García Olivares , updated more than 1 year ago
Isabella  García Olivares
Created by Isabella García Olivares over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Life Cicle Of The Butterflies
  1. A butterfly begins life as a FERTILIZED EGG. A female butterfly lays a lot of eggs usually on leaves or stems of plants. Butterfly eggs are very tiny and may be in different shapes like spherical, oval or cylindrical. Butterfly eggs are surrounded by a layer called a “CHORION” which is surrounded by a thin layer of wax which prevents it from getting dry.
    1. A caterpillar’s main activity is EATING. They almost never stop eating so they can grow quickly. The first meal for most caterpillars is the eggshell and then they eat the leaf they were born onto. The mother butterfly needs to lay her eggs on the specific type of leaf the caterpillar can eat.
      1. THE PUPA or CHRYSALIS is the THIRD stage of Butterfly life cycle. The chrysalis (or pupa) hangs down from the twigs or safe area around the plant where it took birth.
        1. The adult Butterfly is the FOURTH and final stage of life cycle of a butterfly. When a butterfly emerges from a chrysalis its wings are wet and wrinkled. The butterfly hangs with its wings down and starts pumping a liquid called HEMOLYMPH to their wings so that they become big and strong. After a few hours the butterfly became ready to take its first flight.
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