Innovations that impacted society


Mind Map on Innovations that impacted society, created by sjbrischetto on 22/10/2013.
Mind Map by sjbrischetto, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sjbrischetto almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Innovations that impacted society
  1. Marketing is a social system
    1. Necessity is the mother of invention
      1. Society Needs met by Resources
        1. Resources
          1. available
            1. Developing
              1. Newly developed / available
                1. imagined [what if there was ….]
                2. Other forces impact on society needs
                  1. Political; legal; economic; natural
                  2. Needs [wants] constantly changing / growing
                  3. Resource
                    1. Existing and available
                      1. Renewable / non-renewable
                        1. Efficient / not so efficient /
                          1. Harmful / external negativities
                            1.  Why do we use x resource?
                              1. Path dependence and lock-in
                              2. Search for new resources - why
                              3. Discovery
                                1. Exploration i human curiosity and spirit of adventure
                                  1. fear, discontent desire more secure future
                                  2. Discoveries order of things: embedded social systems
                                  3. A history of discoveries
                                    1. The Wheel
                                      1. Written Language
                                        1. Abacus
                                          1. Paper
                                            1. Printing Press
                                              1. Mass production
                                              2. More Recently
                                                1. contraceptive pill
                                                  1. Enter text here
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