
Paula Reis
Mind Map by Paula Reis, updated more than 1 year ago
Paula Reis
Created by Paula Reis about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Formação de Tecnólogos.
    1. Education M.A. | Ph.D.
    2. Indústria Criativa


      • voltada a produtos e processos para desenvolvimento tecnológico e inovação
      1. Universities CALDO (Canadá)
        1. University of Alberta


          1. TOEFL - 580 pts
          2. Dalhousie University


            • acho que é só bacharellado
            1. parece não ter doutorado
            2. Universidade de Calgary


              1. TOEFL - 600 pts
              2. University of Ottawa


                • Doctorate the program for each candidate is planned with the student on an individual basis by an interim adviser appointed by the program director. Because the Faculty believes that the student's coursework and research should be integrated in the overall program, the decision on specific courses depends to some extent on the student's research topic. For this reason, the student will be encouraged to begin exploration and urged to make tentative decisions regarding a research topic early in the program so that course work and research can be interrelated. All candidates for the doctoral program must normally take a minimum of six courses (18 credits). The program of a student who has completed a master's degree in Education (MA/MEd) and who has been admitted to the PhD program may be reduced to five courses (15 credits) with the approval of the Admissions Committee and with the agreement of the thesis supervisor. Three courses are compulsory: EDU8105 CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN EDUCATION (3cr.)  EDU8106 EPISTEMOLOGY OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (3cr.) one of the following four: EDU7395 SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH (3cr.) EDU7396 TECHNIQUES OF DOCUMENT ANALYSIS IN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (3cr.) EDU7397 DATA COLLECTION INSTRUMENTS (3cr.) EDU8190 QUALITATIVE RESEARCH II (3cr.) Three additional courses, of which two must be in the concentration. (Two additional courses in the concentration, for a student who has completed a Master's degree in Education (MA/MEd) with the approval of the Admission Committee and the agreement of the thesis supervisor).An additional course, chosen from among the following, in research methodology may also be taken in place of one of the concentration courses. EDU7395 SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH (3cr.) EDU7396 TECHNIQUES OF DOCUMENT ANALYSIS IN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (3cr.) EDU7397 DATA COLLECTION INSTRUMENTS (3cr.) EDU8190 QUALITATIVE RESEARCH II (3cr.) Written and oral comprehensive examination EDU9998 EXAMEN DE SYNTHÈSE (DOCTORAT) / PhD COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION Presentation of a thesis proposal which must be approved by a committee of professors. EDU9997 PROPOSITION DE THÈSE DE DOCTORAT / PhD THESIS PROPOSAL Presentation of a seminar following approval of the thesis proposal. Thesis EDU9999 THÈSE DE DOCTORAT / PhD THESIS NOTE: Candidates in Educational counselling are required to complete 600 hours of supervised internship. Taking into account the student's previous studies, the Faculty reserves the right to add to the program of studies any course(s) deemed necessary. Normally the additional requirements are specified at the beginning of the program. The individual studies program is prepared by the thesis director and approved by the program director. Concentrations EDU8002, EDU8105 and EDU8106 are reserved strictly for PhD students. Leadership, evaluation, curriculum and policy studies EDU5210 PHILOSOPHIES OF EDUCATION (3cr.) EDU5222 ETHNOGRAPHIES IN EDUCATION (3cr.) EDU5265 INTERNATIONALIZATION OF CURRICULUM STUDIES (3cr.) EDU5461 MANAGING CHANGE IN EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS (3cr.) EDU5499 CURRENT METHODS OF STUDENT ASSESSMENT (3cr.) EDU6102 SEMINAR IN CURRICULUM STUDIES (3cr.) EDU6110 CURRICULUM, POLITICS AND POLICY IN EDUCATION (3cr.) EDU6193 FOUNDATIONS OF MEASUREMENT AND TESTING (3cr.) EDU6293 ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING (3cr.) EDU6299 PROGRAM EVALUATION: THEORY AND CONTEMPORARY ISSUES (3cr.) EDU6422 EDUCATION AND DEMOCRATIC COMMUNITIES (3cr.) EDU6426 CITIZENSHIP AND GLOBAL EDUCATION (3cr.) EDU6428 SOCIAL CONTEXTS OF EDUCATION (3cr.) EDU6460 CURRICULUM, CULTURE, AND LANGUAGE (3cr.) EDU7102 SELECTED TOPICS IN LEADERSHIP, EVALUATION, CURRICULUM AND POLICY STUDIES (3cr.) EDU7193 ADVANCED MEASUREMENT THEORIES (3cr.) EDU8002 LECTURE DIRIGÉE / DIRECTED STUDIES (3cr.) Studies in teaching and learning EDU5210 PHILOSOPHIES OF EDUCATION (3cr.) EDU5265 INTERNATIONALIZATION OF CURRICULUM STUDIES (3cr.) EDU5386 SEMINAR ON LITERACY (3cr.) EDU5461 MANAGING CHANGE IN EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS (3cr.) EDU5499 CURRENT METHODS OF STUDENT ASSESSMENT (3cr.) EDU6103 RESEARCHING PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE (3cr.) EDU6106 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, SOCIETY AND ENVIRONMENT (3cr.) EDU6107 HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION PEDAGOGY (3cr.) EDU6193 FOUNDATIONS OF MEASUREMENT AND TESTING (3cr.) EDU6200 THE ADULT EDUCATOR: ROLES AND BEHAVIOUR (3cr.) EDU6203 LEARNING AND LITERACIES (3cr.) EDU6204 LEARNING IN ADULTHOOD (3cr.) EDU6259 RESEARCH AND CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN TEACHING MODELS AND PRACTICES (3cr.) EDU6293 ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING (3cr.) EDU6299 PROGRAM EVALUATION: THEORY AND CONTEMPORARY ISSUES (3cr.) EDU7150 SELECTED TOPICS IN TEACHING AND LEARNING (3cr.) EDU7151 SOCIOCULTURAL PERSPECTIVES ON LEARNING (3cr.) EDU7163 THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION (3cr.) EDU7193 ADVANCED MEASUREMENT THEORIES (3cr.) EDU8002 LECTURE DIRIGÉE / DIRECTED STUDIES (3cr.) EDU8253 COGNITIVE PERSPECTIVES ON LEARNING (3cr.)  Societies, cultures and languages EDU5146 SOCIAL, POLITICAL AND CULTURAL ISSUES IN SECOND LANGUAGE EDUCATION (3cr.) EDU5210 PHILOSOPHIES OF EDUCATION (3cr.) EDU5221 HISTORICAL NARRATIVES AND EDUCATION (3cr.) EDU5222 ETHNOGRAPHIES IN EDUCATION (3cr.) EDU5244 BILINGUAL, MULTILINGUAL AND MINORITY CONTEXTS OF LANGUAGE EDUCATION (3cr.) EDU5386 SEMINAR ON LITERACY (3cr.) EDU5463 CULTURAL STUDIES AND EDUCATION: THEORY AND PRAXIS (3cr.) EDU5465 GLOBALIZATION AND COMPARATIVE EDUCATION (3cr.) EDU5466 RACISM AND ANTIRACISM IN EDUCATION (3cr.) EDU6109 YOUTH CULTURE, POPULAR CULTURE AND PEDAGOGY (3cr.) EDU6110 CURRICULUM, POLITICS AND POLICY IN EDUCATION (3cr.) EDU6111 TEACHING AND LEARNING OF LITERACIES IN A SECOND LANGUAGE (3cr.) EDU6115 SOCIAL AND POLITICAL ISSUES IN LITERACY ASSESSMENT (3cr.) EDU6146 SECOND LANGUAGE LEARNING THEORIES (3cr.) EDU6203 LEARNING AND LITERACIES (3cr.) EDU6241 SECOND LANGUAGE PROGRAM AND POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION (3cr.) EDU6373 EDUCATION OF MARGINALIZED YOUTH (3cr.) EDU6421 PUBLIC MEMORY, LIVED HISTORIES AND EDUCATION (3cr.) EDU6422 EDUCATION AND DEMOCRATIC COMMUNITIES (3cr.) EDU6426 CITIZENSHIP AND GLOBAL EDUCATION (3cr.) EDU6428 SOCIAL CONTEXTS OF EDUCATION (3cr.) EDU6429 PEDAGOGIES OF DIFFERENCE (3cr.) EDU6460 CURRICULUM, CULTURE, AND LANGUAGE (3cr.) EDU7133 SELECTED TOPICS IN SOCIETIES, CULTURES AND LANGUAGES (3cr.) EDU7141 CURRENT RESEARCH IN SECOND LANGUAGE EDUCATION (3cr.) EDU8002 LECTURE DIRIGÉE / DIRECTED STUDIES (3cr.)  Educational counselling Courses and thesis research in the Educational Counselling concentration are focused on issues related to the education and supervision of counsellors. EDU6371 SELECTED TOPICS IN EDUCATIONAL COUNSELLING (3cr.) EDU6372 MODELS OF CONSULTATION AND CASE MANAGEMENT IN EDUCATIONAL COUNSELLING (3cr.) EDU6373 EDUCATION OF MARGINALIZED YOUTH (3cr.) EDU6470 MULTICULTURAL COUNSELLING (3cr.) EDU6472 SEMINAR AND PRACTICUM IN GROUP COUNSELLING (3cr.) EDU8107 SEMINAR IN COUNSELLING AND SUPERVISION (3cr.) EDU8908 INTERNAT EN COUNSELLING ET EN SUPERVISION / INTERNSHIP IN COUNSELLING AND SUPERVISION  Health professions education EDU5105 INTER-PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION IN THE HEALTH PROFESSIONS (3cr.) EDU5202 TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONS EDUCATION (3cr.) EDU5261 CURRICULUM DESIGN FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONS EDUCATION (3cr.) EDU5286 TECHNOLOGY AND HEALTH PROFESSIONS EDUCATION (3cr.) EDU5298 STUDENT ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONS EDUCATION (3cr.) EDU5463 CULTURAL STUDIES AND EDUCATION: THEORY AND PRAXIS (3cr.) EDU5466 RACISM AND ANTIRACISM IN EDUCATION (3cr.) EDU6101 SEMINAR IN HEALTH PROFESSIONS EDUCATION (3cr.) EDU6200 THE ADULT EDUCATOR: ROLES AND BEHAVIOUR (3cr.) EDU7101 SELECTED TOPICS IN HEALTH PROFESSIONS EDUCATION (3cr.) Registration of thesis topic Students must register their thesis topic by the end of the third session of studies. Thesis supervision and thesis submission The program director ensures that all procedures for thesis supervision and thesis submission specified by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and the program council of the Faculty are followed. At the time of admission, the Faculty of Education designates a thesis adviser in consultation with the professor concerned. Comprehensive examination The overall purpose of the comprehensive exam (EDU9998) is to examine the candidate's mastery of his field of study. More specifically, the purpose is to examine the candidate's integrative breadth and depth of knowledge within the context of his or her domains of study and professional/scientific perspective. The examination is conducted according to a format approved by the program council. It comprises the preparation, submission, evaluation and oral defence of a written text (the Comprehensive Document). Minimum standards The passing grade in all courses is C+. Students who fail two courses (equivalent to 6 credits), the thesis proposal or the comprehensive exam, or whose research progress is deemed unsatisfactory will be withdrawn from the program. Residence All full-time students must complete a minimum of six sessions of full-time registration. In the case of transfer to the PhD, the residency period for the PhD is nine full-time sessions from the time of initial registration in the program. Duration of the program The requirements of the program are usually fulfilled within four years. The maximum time permitted is six years from the date of initial registration in the program.TRADUZIDO:o programa para cada candidato é planejado com o aluno em base individual por um consultor interino nomeado pelo diretor do progra
                • TRADUZIDO: o programa para cada candidato é planejado com o aluno em base individual por um consultor interino nomeado pelo diretor do programa. Porque a Faculdade acredita que cursos e pesquisas do aluno deve ser integrada no programa geral, a decisão sobre cursos específicos depende em certa medida, tema de pesquisa do aluno. Por esta razão, o aluno será incentivado a começar a exploração e instados a tomar decisões preliminares a respeito de um tema de pesquisa no início do programa, de modo que o trabalho do curso e pesquisa pode ser inter-relacionados. Todos os candidatos para o programa de doutorado deve normalmente ter um mínimo de seis cursos (18 créditos). O programa de um aluno que tenha concluído um mestrado em Educação (MA / MED) e que tenha sido admitido para o programa de doutoramento pode ser reduzido para cinco cursos (15 créditos), com a aprovação do Comitê de Admissão e com o acordo do supervisor de tese. Três campos são obrigatórios: EDU8105 CONTEMPORÂNEA QUESTÕES EM EDUCAÇÃO (3CR.) EDU8106 epistemologia da PESQUISA EDUCACIONAL um dos seguintes quatro (3CR.): (. 3CR) EDU7395 TÓPICOS SELECIONADOS EM PESQUISA QUANTITATIVA EDU7396 técnicas de análise DOCUMENTO EM PESQUISA EDUCACIONAL (3CR. ) EDU7397 COLETA DE DADOS INSTRUMENTS (3CR.) EDU8190 PESQUISA QUALITATIVA II (3CR.) Três cursos adicionais, dos quais dois devem estar na concentração. (Dois cursos adicionais na concentração, para um aluno que tenha concluído um curso de mestrado em Educação (MA / MED) com a aprovação do Comitê de Admissão e o acordo do supervisor tese) .Uma curso adicional, escolhidas de entre o seguinte, em metodologia de pesquisa também podem ser tomadas no lugar de um dos campos de concentração. EDU7395 TÓPICOS SELECIONADOS EM PESQUISA QUANTITATIVA (3CR.) EDU7396 técnicas de análise DOCUMENTO EM PESQUISA EDUCACIONAL (3CR.) EDU7397 instrumentos de coleta (3CR.) EDU8190 PESQUISA QUALITATIVA II (3CR.) Escrito e exame abrangente oral, EDU9998 examen de synthèse (Doutorado) / PhD ABRANGENTE EXAME Apresentação de uma proposta de tese que deve ser aprovada por uma comissão de professores. EDU9997 PROPOSTA DE Tese de Doutorado / PhD TESE PROPOSTA Apresentação de um seminário após a aprovação da proposta de tese. Tese EDU9999 Tese de Doutorado / PhD TESE NOTA: Os candidatos em aconselhamento educacional são necessários para completar 600 horas de estágio supervisionado. Levando-se em conta estudos prévios do aluno, a Faculdade se reserva o direito de adicionar o programa de estudos de qualquer curso (s) que considerou necessárias. Normalmente as exigências adicionais são especificados no início do programa. O programa de estudos individuais é preparado pelo diretor tese e aprovado pelo diretor do programa. Concentrações
                1. TOEFL - 550 pts
                2. Queens University


                  1. TOEFL - ? pts
                  2. University of Saskatchewan


                    1. TOEFL score of 80 or IELTS of 6.5
                    2. Western University


                      1. TOEFL - 550 pts
                      2. University of Waterloo


                        • * Kinesiology - PhD (Aging, Health and Well-Being) Cinesiologia - PhD ( Envelhecimento , Saúde e Bem -Estar ) Admission requirements  (depois traduzido)     75%     February 1     Fall     Transcripts     Supplementary Information Form     Résumé     Writing sample         Each applicant must submit one copy of a term paper, research project or thesis written during the last year of their master's studies     References     3 - from faculty members who taught applicant as a Master's student     Paper-Based Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)         Overall - 580     Internet-Based TOEFL (iBT)         Overall – 90         Writing – 25         Speaking – 25     International English Language Testing System (IELTS academic)         Overall – 7.0     Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB)         Overall – 85         Per section – 80     Canadian Academic English Language (CAEL)         Overall – 70         Per band – 60         Writing – 70         Speaking – 70     Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE academic)         Overall – 63         Writing – 65         Speaking – 65     English for Academic Success (EFAS)         Overall 400 level – 75%                                             TRADUZIDO: Requisitos de admissão 75%     01 de fevereiro    Outono     Transcrições     Formulário de Informações Suplementares     Currículo     Amostra de escrita         Cada candidato deve apresentar uma cópia de um termo papel, projeto de pesquisa ou tese escrita durante o último ano de estudos de seu mestre     Referências     3 - de membros do corpo docente que ensinou requerente como estudante de mestrado     Baseado em papel Teste de Inglês como Língua Estrangeira (TOEFL)         No geral - 580     TOEFL (iBT) baseada em Internet         No geral - 90         Escrita - 25         Falando - 25     Sistema Internacional Teste de Inglês (IELTS acadêmico)         No geral - 7.0     Michigan Idioma Inglês Bateria de Avaliação (MELAB)         No geral - 85         Por seção - 80     Acadêmico canadense de Inglês Language (CAEL)         No geral - 70         Por banda - 60         Escrita - 70         Falando - 70     Pearson Teste de Inglês Acadêmico (PTE acadêmica)         No geral - 63         Escrita - 65         Falando - 65     Inglês para o Sucesso Acadêmico (EFAS)         No geral Nível 400 - 75%
                        • Environment and Resource Studies (Social and Ecological Sustainability) - PhD Meio Ambiente e Estudos de recursos ( sustentabilidade social e ecológica ) - PhD Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)Resource Analysis and StewardshipSocio-ecosystem Function and RenewalSustainable Policy and Governance l-timePart-time Thesis Admission requirements  80% FEBRuary 1 Fall transcriptsSupplementary Information FormRésuméReferences 3 - at least two must be from academic sources Paper-Based Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Overall - 600Internet-Based TOEFL (iBT) Overall – 100 TRADUZIDO: Meio Ambiente e Estudos de recursos ( sustentabilidade social e ecológica ) - PhD Doctor of Philosophy ( PhD )     Análise de Recursos e Manejo     Função sócio- ecossistema e Renovação     Política Sustentável e Governança     Tempo integral     Tempo parcial     tese requisitos de admissão     80 %     01 de fevereiro     outono     transcrições     Formulário de Informações Suplementares     currículo     Referências     3 - pelo menos dois devem ser a partir de fontes acadêmicas     Baseado em papel Teste de Inglês como Língua Estrangeira (TOEFL)         No geral - 600     TOEFL ( iBT ) baseada em Internet         No geral - 100
                        1. TOEFL - 580 pts
                        2. Université Laval
                          1. Só francês
                        3. Outras opções
                          1. Energias Renováveis;
                            1. Ciências Exatas e da Terra;
                              1. Engenharias e demais áreas tecnológicas;
                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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