1st and 2nd 3rd person


aa1 de ingles
Rafa Brunetto
Mind Map by Rafa Brunetto, updated more than 1 year ago
Rafa Brunetto
Created by Rafa Brunetto over 3 years ago

Resource summary

1st and 2nd 3rd person
  1. 1 st : I (eu)
    1. ou seja fala de voce mesmo
      1. ex :i'm going to my friend's house to agent play minecraft
    2. 2 nd : you (você)
      1. ou seja você fala do outro
        1. ex: you like to eat cheese pastel
      2. 3 rd : he(ele) she(ela) they(eles) it.
        1. ou seja você fala com uma pessoa que nao esta na coversa ele ela eles...
          1. ex: they're going to ariana grande's birthday party
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