Marxist perspective


alevel Sociology (Education) Mind Map on Marxist perspective, created by giorgi.rebecca on 27/10/2013.
Mind Map by giorgi.rebecca, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by giorgi.rebecca almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Marxist perspective
  1. Ruling class - Bourgeoise/capitalist
    1. Subject class - Proletariate/workers
      1. class reproduces itself
      2. ECONOMY
        1. Education
          1. Family
            1. Religon
              1. Legal
                1. Mass Media
                2. HIDDEN CURRICULUM
                  1. What children learn from their experience of schooling rather than what they learn from formal lessons
                    1. E.G.
                      1. Punctuality
                        1. Learning when to speak
                          1. Dress code
                            1. knowing their place
                              1. Attendence
                                1. Gender roles
                                2. NEGATIVES
                                  1. obedience to authority
                                    1. acceptance of inequality
                                      1. Gender roles
                                        1. powerlessness
                                          1. conditioning to boredom
                                          2. some children resist 'indoctrination' (brain washing)
                                            1. E.G.
                                              1. WILLS study of 12 working class 'lads'
                                                1. the lads had formed a counter school culture
                                                  1. tried to break school rules and not conform to the hidden curriculum
                                        2. Bowles and Gintis
                                          1. The education system provides capitalists with a docile workforce
                                            1. Achieved through the hidden curriculum
                                              1. Subservient workforce
                                                1. treated like a servant
                                                2. Encourages acceptance of hierarchy
                                                  1. fragmentation of the curriculum
                                                    1. curriculum is broken into several parts
                                                      1. close parallels between schooling and work in a capitalist society
                                                        1. called the corrospondence principle
                                                    2. MERITOCRACY IS A MYTH
                                                      1. class background is the most important factor
                                                        1. 'old school tie'
                                                          1. people are born into their status, that doesn't change
                                                            1. social classes reproduce themselves
                                                              1. A child's behaviour in school affects their setting/grouping
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