Occurance of Earthquakes


Leaving Cert Geography (Physical Geography) Mind Map on Occurance of Earthquakes, created by Tom Cahill on 27/10/2013.
Tom Cahill
Mind Map by Tom Cahill, updated more than 1 year ago
Tom Cahill
Created by Tom Cahill almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Occurance of Earthquakes
  1. Plate Tectonics (Theory)
    1. lithosphere consists of large, rigid sections called plates
      1. Convection Currents - driving force
    2. Earthquakes
      1. Sudden release of energy on earths surface
        1. vibrations or shocks
      2. Plates
        1. Jam or stick together
          1. build up of stress in rocks
            1. stress releases - plates slip
              1. seismic waves
          2. Shallow Focus (<70km)
            1. passive boundaries
              1. Pacific and N. American
              2. smaller magnitude than deep focus
                1. account for 75% of earthquakes
                2. Deep Focus (300km)
                  1. convergent
                    1. heaviest plate is subducted
                    2. Indian and Eurasian
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