Orígens del Jazz


Mapa mental sobre l'evolució de la música nordamericana
Ivan Jariod
Mind Map by Ivan Jariod, updated more than 1 year ago
Ivan Jariod
Created by Ivan Jariod over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Orígens del Jazz
  1. Ragtime
    1. Gospel
      1. Work songs
        1. Blues
          1. Rhythm and blues
            1. Soul
              1. Rock and roll
                1. Rock
                  1. Pop rock
              2. Nova Orleans i dixieland
                1. Chicago
                  1. Swing
                    1. Be-bop
                      1. Cool
                        1. Free jazz
                          1. Jazz fusion
                            1. Jazz rock
                2. Boogie-woogie
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