Characteristics of the Digital Age


Mind Map depicting the Characteristics of the Digital Age.
maxine khan
Mind Map by maxine khan, updated more than 1 year ago
maxine khan
Created by maxine khan over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Characteristics of the Digital Age
  1. Knowledged Based Society
    1. Ready Accessed Information
      1. High-Tech Global Economy
        1. Capitalisation of the microminiturisation of computers
          1. Communication Satellites
            1. Fibre Optics
              1. Computerised Machinery
              2. OECD- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
              3. Rise of the Information Industry
                1. Consumer Market
                  1. Video Games Industry
                    1. Motion Pictures
                      1. Television
                        1. Music Industry
                        2. Business Market
                          1. Digital Design
                            1. Data Processing
                              1. Telecommunications
                                1. Computer Programming
                                  1. Software Engieering
                                2. Exponential Growth across all sectors
                                  1. Increased Role of Mass Media
                                    1. The Internet
                                      1. Search Engines
                                        1. Google
                                          1. Yahoo
                                            1. Bing
                                            2. Social Networking
                                              1. Facebook
                                                1. Twitter
                                                  1. Instagram
                                                    1. Snapchat
                                                  2. Internet Abled Devices
                                                    1. Smart Phones
                                                      1. Computers/ Laptops
                                                        1. Tablets
                                                      2. Constantly Changing and Shifting Labor Market
                                                        1. Increased Globilisation
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