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Reasons For Outbreak of WW2
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world war
Mind Map by
senthil kumar um
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
senthil kumar um
over 9 years ago
Resource summary
Reasons For Outbreak of WW2
(W)ithdrawal from LON and General Disarmament Conference
1. At GDC, Hitler proposed France disarm (like Germany) or Germany allowed to rearm (to level France)
2. France objected -> Hitler used as excuse to withdraw from GDC and LON
3. Now able to take more actions to improve army
4. Attacked other European countries -> WW2
Remilitarised (R)hineland
1. Hitler used excuse of Franco - Soviet alliance
2. Remilitarised Rhineland for "self-defence" purposes
3. France did not intervene + LON only condemned his actions
4. Hitler emboldened by success -> grew aggressive -> WW2
German unification with (A)ustria
1. Hitler felt Germany and Austria belonged together + support from many
2. Hitler encouraged Austrian Nazis to make trouble and push for Austria + pressure Austrian chancellor
3. Plebiscite passed in favour
4. Austria gave lots of resources
5. Allowed Germany to invade other European countries -> WW2
(C)onscription and Rearmament
1. TOV meant to keep Germany weak
2. Hitler brought back conscription, built aeroplanes, tanks etc.
3. Germany militarily strong now
4. Attacked other countries -> WW2
German involvement in (S)panish Civil War
1. Hitler sent troops to support Spanish Nationalist forces + portray himself as defender against communism
2. LON took no actions
3. Hitler emboldened -> more aggressive -> WW2
1. C ready to fight Hitler, but assurance from Britain and France -> let Britain and France negotiate
2. Britain and France sign Sunderland to Germany
3. C not invited to Munich Conference
4. Emboldened Hitler to take Czech
5. Hitler invaded C
Nazi- (S)oviet Non Aggression pact
1. Hitler did want fight 2 front war + Stalin did not want Hitler to invade Russia
2. Signed the pact -> gave Hitler confidence to invade Russia
3. Led to WW2
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