SAB7#96_HR structure


Mind Map on SAB7#96_HR structure, created by mserrano on 16/08/2015.
Mind Map by mserrano, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mserrano over 9 years ago

Resource summary

SAB7#96_HR structure
  1. Organizational Breakdown Structure
    1. Shows responsibilities by departament
      1. Displays teams work packages assigned to the WBS
      2. Resource Breakdown Structure
        1. Breaks the work down by type of resource
          1. Hierarchical list of related resources by category and type
          2. The team might have people from different groups in your company, and they need to know how they interact. That’s why you create a chart just for the team.
            1. The project organization chart shows how your team members relate with one another.
              1. Roles and responsibilities show who is responsible for what.
                1. (RACI stands for “Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed.”)
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