In addition to the color combinations found in the color wheel, nature provides endless inspiration
for harmonious color schemes. For 25 great palettes pulled from nature photography (as well as
others inspired by travel, food & drink, and everyday items), check out another of our Design School
articles, “100 Brilliant Color Combinations: And How to Apply Them to Your Designs.”
The Psychology of Color
Color is all around us. Whether we realize it or not, it plays a big role in our everyday lives.
Color Symbolism
Red: This color can communicate many different ideas depending on its context.
Orange: Also a fiery color, orange combines the warmth of red with the cheerfulness of yellow for a
hue that communicates activity, energy, and optimism.
Yellow: As the color of sunshine, yellow often communicates happiness, cheerfulness, friendliness,
and the freshness of spring.
Green: This is the color of nature, plant life, and growth. As such, it often communicates health,
freshness, or an “all-natural” quality.
Blue: The color of the sea and sky, blue often communicates peaceful, clean qualities.
Purple/Violet: Purple is traditionally associated with royalty, majesty, or honor.
Black: Like red, black has many (sometimes opposing) meanings.
White: As the color of light and snow, white often represents purity, innocence, goodness, or