The malfunction of a CELL, NOT A MOLECULE, is the fundamental driver of disease


Mind Map on The malfunction of a CELL, NOT A MOLECULE, is the fundamental driver of disease, created by Elham Fakhri on 04/11/2013.
Elham Fakhri
Mind Map by Elham Fakhri, updated more than 1 year ago
Elham Fakhri
Created by Elham Fakhri almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

The malfunction of a CELL, NOT A MOLECULE, is the fundamental driver of disease
  1. Malfunction of a CELL
    1. Organelles
      1. Mitochondria
        1. functions of organelles
          1. Disease associated with organelle malfunction
            1. Cell trafficking
              1. protein misfolding
              2. Enviromental factors
                1. Oxidative Stress
                  1. Genetical malfunctions
                    1. Cell signalling
                    2. Malfunction of a MOLECULE
                      1. Definition
                        1. a molecule is group of atoms covalently bonded togehter
                        2. macromolecules
                          1. protein/lipids/carbohydrates
                          2. DISEASES due to SINGLE MUTATION
                            1. SILENT MUTATIONS
                              1. change in molecule but no change in cell
                            2. INTERPLAY of BOTH
                              1. Changes in the molecular level start a chain reaction which eventually leads cell malfunction
                                1. a single molecule rarely causes disease: its the combined effect of different factors
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