Teaching & Learning in the LTE Course Room:A critical sociocultural perspective
Teachers development
Objective:To show a different perseption of teaching and learning in the language teacher education course room.
Course room= Learning adcquired by teachers throuh the use of activities, discouses through cultural artifacts.
Key words
LTE: Language Teacher Education.
1. Concerns: What do we understand by learning in the context of past graduate in
services courses in LTE. 2. Sociocultural view in the context of the course room. 3.
Teachers´identity in this context.
Time invest (updating). In more LTE university lectures concern more in subject matter than pedagogy( Exept experts in the field). Envy to collaborative work, good teaching is privated.
Content based courses VS learning through interaction ( identity and context). Good learners use the language adcquired. LTE course more developmentally rather that training oriented.
" Transformatoive re-imaging of the self" ( Danielewicz, 2001, 133). Program envisions.
Socially constructed. influence of students´demands. Challenge to use knowledge in
context to impact behavior of teacher-learner.
Relation with sociocultural aspects ( social interactions). Micro context
of LTE the course room.
Learning as identity construction
It´s not just knowledge about language teaching but also being a language teaching. Different from other
professions, selfimage (society). Teachers responsabilities and role in the community. Not willing to inovate.
Challenge to get new practice.
Learning in the LTE course room
Engage enviroment an the climate of course room life. Allow students participation vs
less learning opportunity.
Community of practice
Identity students´needs. Pros and Cons. Example: ESP
Acquaring a professional discourse
Discourse essential element in course room. elements: The dominant discourse of TESOL, ways of acting and interacting, acquaring the appropiate
cultural practices in the course room and enacting the identity of a teacher- learner.
Also imply adopt new values, practices and ways of thinking. The LTE discourses have a great impact on teachers´identity develompment. Multiple discourses of
being a teacher according different contexts. Appreciate better than impose. ( What the TESOL should be)
Developing a theory of pedagogy
Teaching vs pedagogy. It is to say teaching= practice, Pedagogy= theory, beliefs, teachers philosophy´(What and How) Teachers develop their own theory by exploring classroom and language, also through cultural articfafts and social practices in
the course room Teacher and Learners develop and operatinal knowledge that help the to assist their learners to become critical language users.
Teaching in the LTE course room
Teachers responsability is to manipulate the course room as a medium to get learning. Scaffold
opportunities for learners.
Modeling good instructional practice
Coherence in saying and doing. Students centered than teachers centered. Dynamic
teaching- learning context of the course room. Scaffold learning
Organizing Dialogic instructions
Improvement through teachers interaction, conversation and networking (journals online). Culture as a dilemma for dialogic teaching. Interrelated elements:
participations, contigency, and negotiation.. Leraning to share with others and listening without judgment.
Developing collaborative learning
Experience, and collective knowledge, course content and course room articrafts = learning.Collaborative learning helps students to negotiate into the academic discourse community and acquire disciplinary knowledge.