Verb Tenses


Conocimiento y desarrollo de los tiempos verbales en la escuela para un mejor aprendizaje.
Anette Rodriguez
Mind Map by Anette Rodriguez, updated more than 1 year ago
Anette Rodriguez
Created by Anette Rodriguez over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Verb Tenses
  1. Present
    1. Conditional Simple
      1. I would be play
      2. Conditional Continuo
        1. I would play
        2. Simple
          1. I am playing
          2. Continuous
            1. I play
          3. Past
            1. Simple
              1. I played
              2. Conditional Perfect Continuous
                1. I would have been played
                2. Conditional Perfect
                  1. I would have played
                  2. Pluscuandoperfect continuous
                    1. I had been playing
                    2. Continuous
                      1. I was playing
                      2. Perfect
                        1. I have played
                        2. Pluscuanperfect
                          1. I had played
                          2. Perfect continuous
                            1. I have been playing
                          3. Future
                            1. Simple
                              1. I will play
                              2. Perfect continuous
                                1. She will have been working here for five years when she leaves the company.
                                2. Going to
                                  1. I am going to play
                                  2. Continuous
                                    1. I will be play
                                    2. Perfect
                                      1. I'll have finished my exams by next Monday.
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