
Intuición: es inmediata, no utiliza el razonamiento, saca ventaja del conocimiento asimilado,pero no es fiable.
Einar Mendoza
Mind Map by Einar Mendoza, updated more than 1 year ago
Einar Mendoza
Created by Einar Mendoza over 3 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Intuition: it is immediate, it does not use reasoning, it takes advantage of assimilated knowledge, but it is not reliable.
    1. Examples of Intuition 1) When a mother senses that something is happening to her child. 2) When a nurse who knows her patient sufficiently senses that he is having a stroke.
      1. Logical Reasoning: it is the combination of experience, intellectual faculties and thought processes. There are two lines of reasoning.
        1. Inductive Reasoning: from precise observations they lead to generalization.
          1. Deductive reasoning: from the general it goes towards the particular phenomena.
            1. Personal experience (trial and error): it is a natural tendency to anticipate; it is learning through trial and error; it is neither systematic nor infallible. This repeatedly until a response is obtained is not an effective method.
              1. Ejemplos de Experiencia personal 1) Cuando un niño escucha de sus padres que no debe tocar elenchufe y el niño toca el enchufe hasta que le da la corriente y aprende por sí mismo que no debe hacerlo. 2) Cuando una persona aprende a andar en bicicleta, se cae tantas veces hasta que puedepedalear sin caerse.
                1. Traditions and Authority: they are based on past customs and trends, but they can be held back if they are based on rituals. Traditions and customs are kept in force by authority rather than research
                  1. Scientific Research: it is based on a rational process; it is modified as it progresses; It is a descriptive and explanatory method of the facts, events and phenomena; it is the most rigorous and acceptable.
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