Innovator´s DNA


Hector Zarate
Mind Map by Hector Zarate, updated more than 1 year ago
Hector Zarate
Created by Hector Zarate over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Innovator´s DNA
  1. Discovery Skills
    1. Associating
      1. Questioning
        1. Observing
          1. Experimenting
            1. Networking
            2. We use Creative Intelligence
              1. To generate NEW IDEAS
              2. Practice innovative skills
                1. Active Endeavor
                2. Understanding a given skill
                  1. Practicing
                    1. Experimenting
                      1. Questioning
                        1. Gaining Confidence
                        2. Discovery skills
                          1. Associating
                            1. Connect unrelated ideas, problems, etc. to create new ideas
                            2. Questioning
                              1. Question the unquestionable
                                1. Why? Why not? What if?
                                2. Observing
                                  1. Observe behavior of everything and everyone
                                    1. Gain insights about ways of doing things.
                                    2. Experimenting
                                      1. Construct interactive experiences
                                        1. Prototyping
                                          1. Prove unorthodox responses to see new insights
                                          2. Networking
                                            1. Extend knowledge domains
                                              1. Get different ideas and perspective
                                                1. Create new ideas .
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