Elements of the Novel


Quarter 1 Mine Map
Taya Peterson
Mind Map by Taya Peterson, updated more than 1 year ago
Taya Peterson
Created by Taya Peterson over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Elements of the Novel
  1. Reached
    1. Setting
      1. Futuristic
        1. Inside the Society/outside of it
        2. Characters
          1. Cassia Reyes
            1. Brave
              1. Caring
              2. Ky Markham
                1. Gentle
                  1. Calm
                  2. Xander Carrow
                    1. Understanding
                      1. Careful
                    2. How is it brought out in the story: Rising takes over, giving freedom
                      1. Theme
                        1. Message: Controlled Society usually fails and makes people unhappy.
                      2. Conflict
                        1. Problem: The Plague
                          1. Cause: Society destroyed the Enemy with it, and it's come back
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