Russia Pre-1914


Russia pre-1914
Kelsie Drown
Mind Map by Kelsie Drown, updated more than 1 year ago
Kelsie Drown
Created by Kelsie Drown about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Russia Pre-1914
  1. Social
    1. Religion: Russian Orthodox Church
      1. Tsar ordained by God
      2. Populism
        1. People not listen
          1. Turn to terrorism
        2. Government
          1. Disorganized
            1. Poor communication
              1. Bureaucracy
                1. Tsar control over all
                  1. People no say
                  2. Censorship
                    1. Okhrana/secret police
                      1. Opposition
                        1. Populism
                          1. People's Will
                            1. Try to work with people
                              1. Result to terrosism
                                1. Kill Alexander II
                          2. Economy
                            1. High debt for emancipated peasants
                              1. Under-devlopment industrial hurt economy
                                1. Technologically behind other countries, therefore being looked down on and suffering economically
                              2. Education
                                1. Factory worker literacy higher
                                  1. Serfs little to no literacy
                                  2. Geography
                                    1. Large
                                      1. Many culture
                                        1. Cause huge Russification movement
                                        2. Many languages
                                          1. Overcrowded esp. agriculture
                                          2. Social Structure
                                            1. Nobility
                                              1. Small middle class
                                                1. Urban/Merchants/Arts
                                                  1. Serf/Peasant
                                                  2. Alexander II
                                                    1. Assassinated
                                                      1. Many reforms
                                                      2. Alexander III
                                                        1. Undid Alex II reforms
                                                        2. Nicolas II
                                                          1. Many conspiracies
                                                            1. Love army
                                                            2. Military
                                                              1. Cossacks Brutal
                                                                1. Hard to control
                                                                  1. Alex II bring universal military training
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                                                                4. Civil War
                                                                3. The Bolshevik's Seizure of Power
                                                                Bay of Pigs Invasion : April 1961
                                                                Alina A
                                                                Conferences of the Cold War
                                                                Alina A
                                                                The Berlin Crisis
                                                                Alina A
                                                                Weimar Revision
                                                                Tom Mitchell
                                                                Hitler and the Nazi Party (1919-23)
                                                                Adam Collinge
                                                                Germany 1918-39
                                                                Cam Burke
                                                                CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS
                                                                Olivia Andrews
                                                                Weimar Germany 1919: The Spartacists and the constitution
                                                                Chris Clayton
                                                                5. War Communism