
This resource was created by Erika Mariana López López.
Mariana  López
Mind Map by Mariana López, updated more than 1 year ago
Mariana  López
Created by Mariana López about 3 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Research instrument
    1. based on all the audiovisual material obtained
      1. Lets you know what kinds of things to say based on detailed observation and not just speculation
    2. You need
      1. A video camera
        1. External microphones
          1. Tripod
            1. A situation or subject of study
            2. Steps to develop the investigation:
              1. Obtain the consent of the research subjects
                1. Make sure test subjects are comfortable participating
                  1. Guarantee the anonymity of the participants
                    1. You must capture, describe, and analyze the experiences of your research participants
                      1. Do not intervene in the decisions of the subject
                2. Make sure the recordings can be shown
                  1. Be discreet with the recording equipment so that the subject acts naturally
                    1. Take care of the audio quality, use external microphones
                      1. Find a good camera angle for recording evidence
                        1. More than one camera can be used to capture all interactions and actions of the subject.
                          1. Use a tripod
                          2. Be prepared for any technical problems
                          3. When you have the audiovisual material compiled:
                            1. Look several times to get more accurate data.
                              1. Make descriptions of collected data to incorporate into reports
                                1. Make a summary of the events you recorded
                                  1. Should contain at least one title
                                    1. Date
                                      1. Time and place of recording
                                        1. Schemas that provide context for the recording
                                          1. Digitize transcripts and use screenshots of recordings
                                        2. Do not use the summaries as data, they only serve to support particular situations, it is important to return to the recordings to obtain more data
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