basic chemistry


concept map of chapter 2 basic chemistry in AP bio
Mind Map by kenzieaj14, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kenzieaj14 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

basic chemistry
  1. is made up of
    1. chemical elements
      1. containing
        1. matter
          1. is
            1. anything that takes up space and has mass
              1. has
                1. many diverse forms
                  1. such as
                    1. solid, liquid, and gas
            2. composed of
              1. living
                1. both are made up of
                  1. elements
                    1. substance that cannot be broken down to simpler susbstance with different properties
                      1. have
                        1. 6 main elements
                          1. consist of
                            1. carbon
                              1. hydrogen
                                1. nitrogen
                                  1. oxygen
                                    1. phosphorus
                                      1. sulfur
                        2. create
                          1. molecules
                            1. when
                              1. 2 or more elements bond together
                                1. creating
                                  1. compounds
                                    1. made up of
                                      1. bonds
                                        1. like
                                          1. covalent
                                            1. can be broken into
                                              1. polar
                                                1. sharing electrons is not equal
                                                2. nonpolar
                                                  1. sharing electrons is equal
                                                3. 2 atoms share electrons
                                                4. hydrogen
                                                  1. help maintain proper function of structure
                                                    1. attraction to a slightly positive hydrogen to a slightly negative atom
                                  2. consist of
                                    1. atoms
                                      1. smallest part of an element
                                        1. can be named by
                                          1. atomic symbol
                                            1. also have
                                              1. atomic number
                                                1. number of protons in nuclues
                                                  1. then is assigned
                                                    1. atomic mass(AMU)
                                                      1. mass is constant while weight changes
                                                        1. sum of protons and neutrons
                                            2. are made of
                                              1. protons
                                                1. neutrons
                                                  1. located in
                                                    1. nuclues
                                                  2. electrons
                                                    1. found in
                                                      1. electron shell
                                                        1. which forms
                                                          1. ions
                                                            1. are formed when
                                                              1. electrons move to other atoms
                                                                1. creating
                                                                  1. ionic bonds
                                                                    1. are held by
                                                                      1. strong attraction between negatively and positively charge ions
                                                                      2. example
                                                                        1. salt
                                                                          1. solid substance that separates and exists as individual ions in water
                                                    2. can form
                                                      1. isotopes
                                                        1. use a
                                                          1. tracer
                                                            1. to
                                                              1. detect molecular changes
                                                                1. by sensing
                                                                  1. radiation
                                                          2. atoms of the same number of protons that differ in the number of nuetrons
                                              2. nonliving
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