Extensive reading


MIndmap useful for making students aware of the different approaches to reading
Mind Map by jireh, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jireh over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Extensive reading
  1. Strategies
    1. Pre-reading
      1. Using background knowledge
        1. Skimming
          1. Predicting
            1. Contextualizing
            2. While-reading
              1. Visualizing
                1. Asking questions
                  1. Outlining
                    1. Designing glossaries
                      1. Making notes
                        1. Underlining
                        2. Post-reading
                          1. Comparing to other readings
                            1. Summarizing
                              1. Concluding
                                1. Defining moral
                                  1. Recalling
                                    1. Reciting orally main ideas
                                  2. Kinds of texts
                                    1. Expository
                                      1. Newspapers
                                        1. Scientific magazines
                                          1. Encyclopedias
                                          2. Descriptive
                                            1. Tour guides
                                              1. Diaries
                                                1. Intructives
                                                2. Dialogic
                                                  1. Plays
                                                    1. Interviews
                                                      1. Dialogic tales, novels
                                                      2. Argumentative
                                                        1. Opinion articles
                                                          1. Press reviews
                                                          2. Literary
                                                            1. Tales
                                                              1. Legends
                                                                1. Poetry
                                                                  1. Novels
                                                                    1. Short stories
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