Sutherland & Cressey believe crime is learned as is all other behavior
crime and deviance more likely to be learned from intimate associates: families and peer groups
S & C say crime and deviance are learned by watching others model crime, learning how to do it
effecitively, and convincing rationalizations & neutralizations making this behavior acceptable and as
the number of deviant friends increases
#1 - Criminal behavior is learned
It is not inherited
the person who is not already
trained in crime does not also
invent criminal behavior
#2 - Criminal behavior is learned in interaction with
other persons in a process of communication
verbal communication & "the communication of gestures"
#3 - The principal part of the learning of criminal
behavior occurs within intimate personal groups
impersonal agencies of communication (movies, newspapers)
play an unimportant part in the genesis of criminal behavior
#4 - Learning criminal behavior includes...
(a) techniques of committing the crime, which are
sometimes very complicated or very simple
(b) the specific direction of motive, drives,
rationalizations and attitudes
#5 - The specific direction of motives and drives is learned from
definitions of the legal codes as favorable or unfavorable
in American society, legal codes are defined by some
people as rules to be observed and by others whose
definitions are favorable to the violation of the legal codes
the consequences are we have culture conflict in
relation to the legal codes
#6 - A person becomes delinquent because of an excess of
definitions favorable to violation of law over definitions
unfavorable to violation of law (PRINCIPLE OF DIFFERENTIAL ASSOCIATION)
Refers to both criminal and anticriminal associations
Deals with counteracting forces
Persons become criminal because of contacts with criminal
patterns and also because of isolation from anticriminal patterns
An individual will assimilate a surrounding culture unless there is a conflicting pattern
Neutral associations have not effect, as far as crime is concerned, on the genesis of criminal behavior (i.e., brushing one's teeth)
Neutral behavior will occupy one's time so he is not engaged or in contact with criminal activities or behavior
#7 - Differential associations may vary in frequency,
duration, priority and intensity
Frequency & duration are self explanitory
"Priority" important because lawful & unlawful behavior developed in
early childhood may persist throughout life
"Intensity" has to do with the prestige of the source of criminal or anticriminal
pattern and with emotional reactions related to the associations
#8 - The process of learning criminal behavior by association with criminal and
anticriminal patterns involves all of the mechanisms that are involved in any other
learning criminal behavior is not limited to the process of imitation
#9 - While criminal behavior is an expression of general needs and
values, it is not explained by those general needs and values, since
noncriminal behavior is an expression of the same needs and values
general drives and values such as the happiness principle,
striving for social status, the money motive, or frustration
explain both lawful and criminal behavior
Explaining the associations a
person has is very complex
Many aspects of social organization affect
the kinds of associations a person has
Differential social organization (or social disorganization) - crime is rooted
in the social organization and is an expression of that social organization
Differential group organizations as an explanation of variations in crime rates is
consistent with the differential association theory of the processes by which persons
become criminals