A man with fever & cough


Mind Map on A man with fever & cough, created by samah kannas on 24/01/2022.
samah kannas
Mind Map by samah kannas, updated more than 1 year ago
samah kannas
Created by samah kannas about 3 years ago

Resource summary

A man with fever & cough
  1. Differential diagnosis
    1. Lung cancer
      1. Lung abscess
        1. cystic fibrosis
        2. Confirmed diagnosis
          1. Tuberculosis
            1. Risk Factors
              1. Age : children < 5
                1. Socioeconomic status : poverty
                  1. Immunocompromised : HIV , DM , Chemotherapy
                    1. Being in endemic country or a close contact
                    2. Signs & Symptoms
                      1. Night sweats
                        1. Weight and appetite loss
                          1. Low grade fever
                            1. Hemoptysis
                              1. fatigue
                              2. Investigations
                                1. Tuberculin test
                                  1. TB culture
                                    1. Molecular test - PCR
                                      1. Chest X-ray
                                      2. Management
                                        1. RIPE for at least 6 month
                                          1. Rifampin
                                            1. Inhibit RNA synthesis
                                            2. Isoniazid
                                              1. Inhibit cell wall synthesis
                                              2. Pyrazinamide
                                                1. Ethambutol
                                                  1. Inhibit cell wall synthesis
                                                  2. Multi-drugs to ensure eradication and prevent resistance
                                                  3. Prevent through global plans aiming to eradicate the disease, improving the socioeconomic and vaccination
                                                  4. Epidemiology
                                                    1. 2 billions or a quarter of world population is infected and TB is still endemic in most of the developing countries and co-existence with HIV is very common and lethal
                                                    2. Pathological characteristics
                                                      1. primary TB
                                                        1. Ghon's Complex : Granuloma , lymph adenitis
                                                          1. Asymptomatic or Flu-like symptoms
                                                          2. Secondary TB
                                                            1. Caseous necrosis
                                                              1. Reactivation of dormant TB
                                                              2. Disseminated TB
                                                                1. Single organ or military TB
                                                                  1. Pott's dx
                                                                    1. Meningitis
                                                                      1. Intestinal TB
                                                                        1. Liver\Kidney Damage
                                                                      2. Grossly
                                                                        1. Microscopically
                                                                    2. Anatomy of Respiratory system
                                                                      1. Physiology of fever
                                                                        1. Types of cough
                                                                          Show full summary Hide full summary


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