Learning Styles


Psychology Mind Map on Learning Styles, created by conner knudsen on 24/02/2022.
conner knudsen
Mind Map by conner knudsen, updated more than 1 year ago
conner knudsen
Created by conner knudsen almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

Learning Styles
  1. Visual
      1. Need to get it drawn, visualizers.
    1. Verbal
        1. Rather read it, and write it down. Love words.
      1. Aural
          1. Don't wanna do anything but listen and take it all in
        1. Kinesthetic
            1. Have to be hands on.
          1. Social
              1. Work best with a team, need communication
            1. Solitary
                1. Private and indepentdent, work best when alone
              1. Logical
                  1. Good with numbers, and using logical mathematical reasoning
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