Vera Brittain


english homework
Liberty West
Mind Map by Liberty West, updated more than 1 year ago
Liberty West
Created by Liberty West over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Vera Brittain
  1. Born : 29th December 1893
    1. Died : 29th march 1970
      1. Children?
        1. she had a boy called Jhon Catlin
          1. She also had a girl called Shirley Williams.
          2. This is a picture of her.
            1. she has a book called "because you died."
              1. she had a poem called "brother."
                1. At the age of 13 she atteneded boarding school.
                  1. Her fiance, brother and 2 close friends died during world war 1.
                    1. She was well known for her book "testament for youth."
                      1. She was 76 years of age when she died.
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