Vocabulary: Greetings


greetings and goodbyes mind map
Carolina Gonçalves
Mind Map by Carolina Gonçalves, updated more than 1 year ago
Carolina Gonçalves
Created by Carolina Gonçalves over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Vocabulary: Greetings
  1. Good bye!
    1. Bye!
      1. Bye bye!
        1. Have a nice day/ week/weekend!
          1. Take care!
          2. See you later!
            1. See ya!
          3. HELLO!
            1. Hi!
              1. How (are) you doing?
                1. Howdy?
              2. Hey!
                1. What's up?
                  1. Nothing/Not much
                    1. All good!
                  2. How's everything (going?)
                  3. Long time no see!
                    1. How have you been?
                  4. Good morning!
                    1. Good afternoon!
                      1. Good evening!
                        1. Good night!
                          1. Sleep tight!
                            1. Sweet dreams!
                          2. G'day!
                            1. Pleased/ Nice/Good to meet you!
                              1. It's a pleasure!
                                1. Welcome!
                                2. How are you?
                                  1. Getting by/Hanging in there/Same as always
                                    1. I'm alright/ Pretty Good/ I can't complain
                                      1. I'm great/fabulous!/ I'm excited!/ Never been better!
                                        1. I'm angry/mad I'm pissed off I'm fed up with...
                                          1. I'm injured/ I'm hurt/ I'm ill/ I feel sick
                                            1. I'm cold/ I'm freezing/ It's freezing cold
                                              1. I'm tired/ I feel sleepy I'm drunk/ I have a hangover
                                                1. I'm hungry/starving/ I have the munchies
                                                  1. I'm hot/ I'm exhausted
                                                    1. Not so good/ I'm worried/ It's pms.
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